Door de uitbraak van de wereldwijde Corona Pandemie is de kunstbeurs Art Revolution Tapei 2020 anders gelopen dan voorgaande jaren. Aanvankelijk waren alle evenementen afgelast, maar vanwege het relatief geringe aantal besmettingen in Taiwan kon de beurs in afgeslankte vorm in augustus toch doorgaan.
Onderstaande werken hebben uiteindelijk deelgenomen. Getoonde schilderijen zijn niet meer beschikbaar.
Due to the outbreak of the global Corona Pandemic, the Art Revolution Tapei 2020 art fair went differently from previous years. Initially, all events were canceled, but due to the relatively small number of infections in Taiwan, the fair was able to continue in August in a slimmed-down form. The works below eventually participated. Paintings shown are no longer available.
Clown with Balalaika
120 x 100 cm. (sold)
Clown with two Flowers
100 x 100 cm. (sold)
Resting Woman with Cat and Pomegranates
100 x 120 cm. (sold)
Woman with red Bird
80 x 100 cm. (sold)
Woman with red Cat
100 x 100 cm. (sold)